Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because of its characteristics; our body produces vitamin D upon sunshine exposure. Because vitamin D helps keep your bones strong, a lack of it can cause bone weakening, leading to pain and fractures. While vitamin D deficiency is sadly widespread, the good news is that it can be identified and treated with supplements after a simple blood test.


A vitamin D deficiency may go unnoticed for years without showing any symptoms. It has the potential to increase the risk of long-term health issues. Vitamin D’s principal function is to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the intestines to maintain and increase bone mass. If left untreated, low levels of vitamin D can lead to:

  • Osteoporosis: The bones shrink out and become fragile. The first symptom could be rapid bone fracture from slight trauma. It primarily affects the elderly.
  • Osteomalacia: This can have an impact on youngsters. Bone abnormalities, low height, dental difficulties, weak bones, and discomfort when walking originate from the softening of the bones.


Vitamin D deficiency can occur when a person doesn’t ingest enough vitamin D, neither absorb nor metabolize it or spend enough time in UV B sun rays. Vitamin D insufficiency can also be an issue for people who don’t eat enough vitamin D-rich foods, are overweight, or use drugs that speed up vitamin D breakdown.


Treatment for vitamin D insufficiency depends on several factors, including the extent and whether or not there are any underlying health issues. Vitamin D deficiency is usually addressed with a supplement. Adults need 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day to meet the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). For individuals above 70, this increases to 800 IU each day. You can also pick vitamin D-rich foods like cod liver oil, almonds, eggs, mushrooms, cow liver, fatty fish like salmon, trout, tuna, and halibut, and fortified foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt to satisfy this need. Another excellent source of vitamin D is sunlight. Treatment for vitamin D deficiency doesn’t usually require staying in the sunlight. This is because of the increased risk of skin cancer associated with sun exposure.


If you feel more depressed lately, it might be a result of vitamin D deficiency. Consult your doctor to diagnose properly and get treatment.